The Top 10 Things That Can Sink a Job Interview, Plus the Weirdest Things People Have Done During Interviews

If you’re sticking to your New Year’s resolution to get a new job, hopefully you’ll have an interview lined up soon.  Consider this your refresher course on how not to BLOW it.  A new survey from CareerBuilder asked hiring managers to name the biggest ways that someone can sink a job interview.  Here’s the top 10:


1.  Lying about something, 69%.

2.  Answering your phone or texting during the interview, 68%. 

3.  Not making eye contact, 67%. 

4.  Acting arrogant or entitled, 60%.

5.  Dressing inappropriately, 50%. 

6.  Swearing, 50%. 

7.  Not smiling, 39%.

8.  Playing with something on the table, 33%.

9.  Having bad posture, 30%.

10.  Fidgeting too much in your seat, 30%.


The survey also found the WEIRDEST things people had ever done during interviews.  Here are our eight favorites.


1.  A woman took a family photo off the interviewer’s desk and put it in her purse.

2.  A person trying to get a data entry position said their ideal job was,  “painter of birdhouses.” 

3.  A woman said her main job was a psychic and tried to read the interviewer’s palm, even when they said no.

4.  A person put lotion on their feet during the interview.

5.  A woman sang the answers to the questions.

6.  When a guy was asked why he’d applied, he said,  “My wife wants me to get a job.”

7.  A person felt the interviewer’s chest so they could,  “connect heart to heart.” 

8.  A guy on a phone interview took the phone into the bathroom and flushed.

