Five Random Facts For Monday

Here are some random facts for you.


1.  Costco loses $40 million a year by selling rotisserie chickens for $4.99, but it’s worth it because they draw people into the store, and they buy other stuff too.


2.  John Quincy Adams thought the Earth was hollow, and approved a journey to travel to the center of the planet to prove it.  But he lost the next election to Andrew Jackson before it could happen, and Jackson killed the plan.


3.  The guy who invented the Super Soaker water gun worked at NASA and helped develop the stealth bomber.


4.  The first time the “New York Times” wrote about Hitler was on November 21st, 1922.  They wrote that his, quote, “anti-Semitism was not so genuine or violent as it sounded.”


5.  When the U.S. became a country in the late 1700s, China’s population was already over 300 million, which is about what America’s population is TODAY.


(Time / Smithsonian / Wikipedia / New York Times / Columbia)