Five Random Facts For Friday

Here are some random facts for you. 


1.  Coffee breaks come from a tradition in the 1800s called “elevenses”, where people would get a break from work at 11:00 A.M. to drink WHISKEY. 


2.  The N.W.A song “Boyz-n-the-Hood” didn’t make the Billboard top 100 chart when it debuted in 1987, but it DID make the chart last year after the movie “Straight Outta Compton” came out.


3.  James Cameron drew the topless picture of Kate Winslet that was used in “Titanic”.


4. The French word for “paper clip” is “trombone.”  Now that you think about it, trombones DO kind of look like paper clips, right?


5.  Michael Jordan made more from his other endorsements in 2014 than he made for actually playing basketball in his career.  He made $100 million in endorsements in 2014, and a total of $94 million in salary for his 15-year basketball career.


(New Republic / Wikipedia / The Telegraph / Today I Found Out / Forbes)