Five Random Facts For Tuesday

Here are some random facts for you.


1.  Every U.S. president except one is a descendant of a British king from the late 1100s, King John Lackland Plantagenet.  The only president who isn’t is Martin Van Buren.


2.  Giraffes pick their noses with their tongues.


3.  Americans eat salad dressing an average of 38 times a year, and 15 of those times it’s ranch dressing.  Italian is second, at six times.


4.  The first time Auto-Tune was used in a major pop song was “Believe” by Cher in 1998. 


5.  There’s only one state that doesn’t have bicameral legislature, that means two houses, like a state Senate and state House of Representatives.  Nebraska only has one.


(Elite Daily / National Geographic / Thrillist / Wikipedia / Nebraska Legislature)