Five Random Facts For Friday

Here are some random facts for you.


1.  Tennis got its name in the 1200s from an old French word “tenez,” which means “receive.”  People used to shout that before they served.


2.  Chris Rock was offered the part of George on “Seinfeld”, but he turned it down.


3.  Lancaster, Pennsylvania was the capital of the U.S. for exactly one day, September 27th, 1777.  Philadelphia was the capital before that, but the British had just captured it, so it moved there, then to York, Pennsylvania for about nine months.


4.  There are seven people alive today who walked on the moon, and the youngest is Charles Duke, who’s 80 years old.


5.  Qatar Airways has a strict policy for falcons on their planes, only six are allowed in the cabin, and only one falcon per passenger.


(Wikipedia / EW / Mental Floss / WA-WD / Qatar Airways)