Five Random Facts for Wednesday

Here are some random facts for you.

1.  Lone star ticks can give you an indefinite allergy to red meat if they bite you.  They’re found in most of the eastern U.S. and Mexico . . . and are also called turkey ticks or northeastern water ticks.

2.  Tattoos are considered medical procedures in South Korea, so only doctors can legally do them.  (Although, there has been talk about changing that.)

3.  Nike’s Air Jordan logo didn’t come from the way Michael Jordan looked when he dunked.  It came from a photo shoot where he exaggerated his jumping style by doing a ballet move.

4.  Grapefruit got its name because they grow on trees in bunches, so they look like large, yellow grapes.

5.  There are 242 different ways to make change for a dollar using just quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.


(Wikipedia / Wikipedia / Wikipedia & ESPN / Google Books / MAA)