Lifestyle Archives

A 70-Year-Old Vietnam Vet Used His Cane to Stop a Robbery

A 70-year-old named Phillip Brooks went to a Waffle House for breakfast earlier this month in Fayetteville, North Carolina.  And right after he walked in, a guy tried to rob the place with an AK-47. But Phillip is an Army veteran who did two tours in Vietnam.  So he’s seen a lot of AK-47’s and he could tell this one was FAKE.

The Equipment at Your Gym Is 360 Times Dirtier Than a Toilet Seat

A new study looked at how filthy the equipment is at your gym.  Spoiler alert:  It’s like 400 times more disgusting than a toilet seat.  The average exercise bike and treadmill in the study had 1.3 million potentially bad bacteria on it.  That’s 417 times more than the average toilet seat.  Free weights had 362 times more bacteria than a toilet seat.

You Only Need to Shower Twice a Week

Did you shower this morning, or just walk out the door smelling like a dumpster?  Well, “Time” magazine recently did a poll, and found a surprising number of Americans DON’T shower every day.